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English Equivalency Testing

Need an equivalency in English? 

Our equivalency testing is fully remote, with a choice of two packages depending on your confidence level. Choose your required support level and get in touch with the team to book onto our next available block.


All sessions are completed during evenings via Microsoft Teams. 

Full Support Package

  • Three weekly online tutor-led revision sessions

  • Revision of subject content and question practice

  • Equivalency test exam on the fifth week

  • Two resits included at no extra cost

  • All sessions completed online via Microsoft Teams

Upcoming Dates

No events at the moment

Example Schedule

Below is an example of the revision schedule for the full support package.

Revision sessions take place on four consecutive weeks, with the exam on Week 5.


Spelling, punctuation and grammar


Reading and understanding written text


Writing effectively and appropriately

Further Information

  • Download the test paper at the start of the test

  • Ensure you have A4 lined paper to write your answers. This is to ensure spelling and grammar checkers are not used. Word documents cannot be accepted.

  • The test is in two sections to be completed in 1hr 40 mins.

  • Section A: Reading. You should spend approximately one hour reading the texts provided and answering questions 1-4.

  • Section B: Imaginative Writing. You should spend 45 minutes answering either Question 5 or Question 6.

More information about how we conduct our online equivalency tests can be found on our Equivalency Testing page.

Communication of Results

Results will be sent to you by email as either a pass or fail.


If you fail the test, our tutor will discuss your performance in the test and give you constructive feedback and advice to help you prepare for your resit.


Email or call us to register your interest and find out about our upcoming availability.

We also offer equivalency testing for Maths and Science

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